Beatrice Namugabo born in 2019. She was abandoned by her father since birth. She loves playing on the swings and the color green. Her favorite foods are rice and chicken. She wants to be a teacher.

Joan Aleper - born 2009 She was neglected by her parents denying her basic needs. She has always loved school but she never had school fees forcing her to stay home often. Her favorite activity is dodge ball. Her favorite food is rice and meat.

Nicodemus Karan — born 2011. He was neglected by his parents making him unable to access basic needs. His favorite activity is football. His favorite food is spagetti and his favorite color is pink.

Esther Kukiriza- born in 2011 She was abandoned by her parents. Her brother is Bruno and they came to HOPE at the same time. She excels in science and wants to be a doctor. Her favorite Bible verse is John 3:16.

Gorreti Namwirya - born 2013. She used to sell egg plants to get food at home. She is one of 7 girls. Her parents separated and her mother is unable to provide for her basic needs. She likes the color red and her favorite food is rice and meat. She wants to become a nurse.

Margaret Kaudha - born 2012 She is 3rd of 8 children but her parents aren’t together. Her favorite subject is English and favorite foods are rice and beef. She likes to play netball. She wants to be a nurse.

Viola Namusobya — born 2007. Viola was neglected by her parents who kept her at home helping with other children. Her parents brought her to social services for help so she could go to school. Her favorite activity is netball and her favorite foods are rice and matooke.

Saul Bruno Muwerza - born 2009 His favorite subjects are science and math. He loves to play soccer. Philippians 4:6 is his favorite Bible verse and he quotes it flawlessly. He wants to be a neurosurgeon!!!

Ibrahim Titus Basadabi - born 2012 His favorite subject is English. His favorite foods are rice and chicken. Since coming to HOPE he has given his heart to Jesus and now has a Bible. He wants to be a doctor.

Junior Ntenda Kizito - born 2007 He lost his father and remained with his mother who was unable to provide basic needs for him and his siblings. His favorite sport is football. His favorite food is rice and chicken

Vastine Nakawala - born 2019. She loves reading and the color red. She likes playing on the swings and her favorite foods are rice and meat. Her favorite Bible story is the birth of Jesus. She wants to become a doctor.

Pauline Achom - born May 15, 2015. She is one of 10 children and her parents aren’t able to provide for her basic needs. She loves the color red because it means the blood of Jesus. She likes meats and spaghetti. Her favorite subjects are math and English. She wants to be a doctor.

Ngoroko Gift was born in 2010 and she is the first born of 4 children. Her mother died in 2021 and they were left in custody of their paternal grandmother who was unable to provide for their basic needs. Gift likes the color red and playing dodge ball. She likes studying English and wants to become a doctor. Her favorite foods are rice and chicken.

Salima Tikabula - born in 2014. Her mother is unknown and her father has many children but has no job to provide for them. Her favorite foods are rice and chicken. She likes the color red and math is her favorite subject. In the future she wants to be a teacher.

Kibina Kamuyati - born 2010. She is the eldest of 5 children. Her mother is mentally disturbed and her father is in prison for abusing her. She loves the color white and her favorites foods are matoke and chicken.

Lubega James was born in 2012 and he is the second born of four siblings. His parents were unable to provide for his basic needs. His favorite color is yellow. He favorite foods are rice and chicken. He enjoys playing soccer.

Sandra Naigaga was born in 2009. Her father died and she was left with her mother in the village, who was unable to provide for her basic needs. Her favorite subject is mathematics. Her favorite color is pink and food is rice and chicken.

Abdul Rahim Muwoomba - born 2014.

 Rihanna Nakinobe - born in 2013. She was abandoned by both parents and has never seen her siblings. She lived with her grandmother who wasn’t able to provide for her basic needs. Rihanna’s favorite foods are meat and matoke. She likes the color blue and enjoys her studies so much.

Esther Angolere - born 2012. She was abandoned by both her parents. Her father married another wife who mistreated Esther. Her favorite subject is science. Her favorite foods are posho and beans and her favorite color is red.

Geofrey Byalukiko was born in 2006. He was orphaned by his father and left with his mother in the village. She was unable to provide for his basic needs. His favorite subjects are English and science. He loves playing soccer. His favorite foods are sweet potatoes and greens. His favorite color is blue.

Dampani James was born in 2010 and is the third born of four siblings. Both of his parents are addicted to alcohol and unable to take proper care of him. This left James under the care of his older siblings and neighbors. His favorite color is purple and he enjoys eating rice and meat. He likes playing soccer. He loves studying religious education and wants to become a driver and a mechanic.

Nabirye Kawusala - born in 2013 Her parents and grandmother passed away. Her favorite subject is math and she wants to be a nurse.

Teko Isaac was born in 2017. Instead of going to school he was sent to the fields to graze cows and goats in his village. He like the color red and playing soccer. His loves eating rice and meat. He loves studying numbers and reading. He wants to become an engineer. He loves the story of Jesus being born.

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